View-Master World presents scenes from the View-Master packet Star Trek (B 499).
From the 16-page booklet:
“The Omega Glory”
The space ship, U.S.S. Enterprise, traveling at a speed faster than light, is commissioned to explore previously unknown worlds in our galaxy. The Captain is James Kirk, and his first officer, Mister Spock, from the Planet Vulcan, who has extraordinary powers. The space surgeon is Dr. Leonard McCoy, who is researching space diseases.Homing in on a call from their sister ship, “Exeter,” they find a deserted ship and the crystallized remains of the crew.Beaming down to the planet, Omega, they find the Exeter’s Captain in the midst of a war for survival, not against the warring Kohms and Meraks, but against the unknown disease that makes them prisoners of the planet.
Scene 01
Starship Enterprise crew sighted object on course
From the 16-page booklet:
Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, on patrol in System 5-419, entered standard orbit about the planet Omega. The flight had been “routine” for the ship’s 430-man crew. Their captain, James Kirk, and Lt. Uhura monitored “Omega” on an MVS—or main viewing screen. A normal approach, Kirk relaxed in a chair much as he might at home. Environment Control maintained earth’s atmosphere and gravity aboard ship.First Officer Spock and Lt. Sulu, the ship’s navigator, scanned instruments on their command station panels.“Object ahead, sir!” Sulu reported. “Another vessel.”Captain Kirk’s “overtake and intercept” order was quickly followed by an all-hands “yellow alert.” On-board computers selected a course parallel to that of the unidentified craft. Her anti-matter propulsion engines drove Enterprise closer to a rendezvous.
Star Trek 02
It was the Starship Exeter orbiting the planet Omega
From the 16-page booklet:
“It’s the U.S.S. Exeter, sir.” Lt. Sulu turned to Kirk from his scope. His news was a surprise. Exeter had cruised the area some time back, but Jim Kirk expected she had rejoined star-fleet long ago.U.S.S. Exeter had been commissioned the same year as Enterprise—she was a sister-ship. Like Enterprise, “Exeter” was a “city”—self-contained in space—bigger than the U.S. Navy cruisers of the 20th Century! There were 11 decks aboard Exeter’s saucer-like main crew station.Attempts at radio communication were futile. The Exeter was not responding. Lt. Sulu could find no evidence of damage to the ship, and his reading indicated she still had full power! Clearly, there were questions about Exeter that required answers—answers which could only be guesses until someone boarded her. Captain Kirk made the decision:“Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Lt. Raintree—please meet in the transporter room. We’ll board and investigate Exeter.”
Star Trek 03
Enterprise crewmen are beamed aboard the Exeter
From the 16-page booklet:
Transporters, a development of the early 21st century, operated on simple mass-energy-mass conversions. Use of a transporter was limited to distances of 16,000 miles.Enterprise’s trans-control officer “beamed” the party of four aboard Exeter at the speed of light.
Star Trek 04
They found the crystalized remains of its crew
From the 16-page booklet:
The first piece of a puzzle was visible at once to Mr. Spock, a native of the planet Vulcan, whose powers of extrasensory perception were greater than those of his companions. He discovered two empty uniforms in the engineering section—empty save for some white crystalline powder. Dr. McCoy used a tri-corder for an analysis: “Without the 75% water in a human body, and gases such as nitrogen—that’s what you have left: Potassium .35%, carbon .18%, phosphorous 1%, calcium 1.5%—three or four pounds of chemicals. Something has reduced the crew down to that!”A replay of the ship’s last log entry revealed some virus had infected the ship. The four off the Enterprise reviewed the tape on Exeter’s library-computer. “It’s a contamination from Omega’s surface,” said Exeter’s doctor. “A chance there’s a kind of immunity on Omega. Get there fast and save yourselves. Captain Tracy is—“His voice trailed off. Pain contorted his features. The doctor’s death had been recorded on film.
This was a great era for science-fiction, fantasy and adventure. Love the pop culture of the 60s. And I'm the 80s generation!
ReplyDeleteI was in college in the late 80's. We used to love to watch Nick at Nite. It was brand new then and they showed lots of stuff from the 60's. That's how I fell in love with F-Troop. I had never heard of it before seeing it on Nick. I first saw Star Trek when I was a kid in the early 70's. Loved it. Unfortunately the View-Master people did not pick the best episode to photograph. That's why I stopped with frame 4. After that the story is not that great. Too bad they couldn't have waited a week and picked the next episode. I don't recall which one it was, but it was way better than this one.
ReplyDeleteSo you were born in the 80's you say? How did you get exposed to 60's pop culture? Cable TV?
I came of age in the 1980s. Like you I was a kid in the 1970s. In my area in upstate New York we first got cable in the mid 1970s and what a treat that was for my whole family. From only a few slighty snowy channels to many crystal clear channels and being able to see shows we hadn't seen in years. I didn't want to go to school, I wanted to watch the Flintstones and the Munsters at 8 and 9 in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI remember watching re-runs for years at 6pm every single weeknight for years. I have to agree they could have picked a better episode. Wouldn't the Trouble with Tribbles have been fun!?!? So glad to have found your blog by the way.
ReplyDeleteI was born in 1969 and also grew up in upstate NY, and I got my taste of 60's culture largely from reruns on local channel 31 (started as an independent station in 1980, then became a Fox affiliate in 1986). I didn't get cable until the mid-80's unfortunately, but I did have good ol' channel 31 to show me the classics.
ReplyDeleteSince from32d mentioned how great the 60's was for science-fiction, fantasy and adventure, how about some love for The Wild, Wild West. Star trek is my all time favorite TV show, but TWWW was pretty awesome, too!